Stanford Tech History Project

Alain Perez ’23
B.S. Symbolic Systems
B.A. Economics

Senator, Associated Students of Stanford University

Alain is a highly motivated rising-sophomore at Stanford with a passion for socially responsible business (and tech).

He got his first taste of business growing up in Miami and helping his dad’s small business. Since his dad doesn’t speak English, he stepped into a critical role doing everything from designing his business cards, filing his invoices, and keeping their clients happy. He has done this since he was 10 and continues to try to help as much as he can.

At Stanford, he serves on the Undergraduate Senate where he advocates for all communities on campus and manages campus funding for student groups. He also works as Advertising Sales Manager at The Stanford Daily, where he has used the same skills he has learned from a young age to reinvent the way they sell their ad space, especially during COVID-19. This past summer, he interned for the SF Dept. of the Environment, exploring another interest in local government and diving deep into environmental sustainability within the municipality.