B.S. Symbolic Systems
M.S. Computer Science
Section Leader, Stanford Department of Computer Science
Sam Spinner is a natural leader with a commitment to service and a genuine love for people. Sam has staffed as an RA, led outdoor excursions with the Stanford Adventure Program, and been deeply involved with a non-profit that provides community and support for children whose families have been affected by cancer. Outside of his coursework, Sam loves TA’ing for Stanford’s introductory computer science and second-year Spanish classes. He has applied his data processing and computational modeling skills to research projects in the biology and geophysics departments and is excited to transition to industry with an upcoming software engineering internship at a biotech startup. Sam is currently enjoying a gap year and will rejoin Stanford as a senior studying symbolic systems with a coterm in computer science. In his free time, Sam enjoys swing dancing, playing guitar, rock-hounding, and listening to podcasts while performing menial tasks.